Department of English
English being the medium of instruction, English Department has to shoulder a huge responsibility.
English being the medium of instruction, a weakness in English will naturally bring down the percentage of
results. RJS FGC gets a 100% results in English in most of the classes.
The quality of teaching is
more or less same in most of the colleges. The only difference is that some colleges have a better English
speaking environment whereas some others do not have this. However, it is not sufficient that the students
should speak English. When it comes to campus recruitments also, proficiency in English is very important.
Besides this, we need to teach them Life skills which will enable them to face not only interviews but
also life itself, too.
Arts teachers are better qualified to do this. In fact, every college needs
a Training Department to polish the students. Now, we have a Training Department which is helping us to
play a better and satisfying role.
To envision the department as a centre for academic excellence, professional expertise, and contextual
research in English Studies.
To train students in communication skills in English, to uplift tools of literature, to strengthen ability
to analyze all forms of literary modules, to prepare them for careers and higher education.